Info To Income : Create Information Products Quickly & Easily 5 Day Challenge!

Spend 5 Days With Us & Create Another 5 Figure Income Stream QUICKLY & EASILY Without FRUSTRATION!

Spend 5 Days With Us & Create Another 5 Figure Income Stream! 

We Teach You How To Create Online Info Products QUICKLY & EASILY Without FRUSTRATION!

Dear Frustrated About To Give Up I Can't Do This Anymore Everyone is Youth Obsessed & I'm Not 25 Anymore...Online Entrepreneur:

We are re-recording 5 foundational videos from our $3,000 Info To Income Coaching Immersive for The Lifestyle Institute, where we train people just like you to build prospering businesses that don't take 24/7 hand holding for those of us who AREN'T 25!

WHEN you join our upcoming 5 Day Challenge, you will get this valuable training for FREE!

Next Challenge Starts February 15th!

To Give You Access To Our NEXT Challenge Starting in February.

Never Be Without Info Products Again! Learn A Simple 3 Step System!
Build and Grow Your Online Business During These Uncertain Times!

By The End Of This Challenge You Will Learn:

  • ​IT'S EASY! There is an incredibly easy way to create online information products and we walk you through that process during our time together. It is so much easier than you think once you understand!
  • ALL YOU NEED IS YOU! That your life experiences, history and how you are wired are all you need to create a thriving info product business - why? Because there is NO ONE LIKE YOU!
  • ​STEP BY STEP SYSTEM! The THREE MANDATORY STEPS you MUST take all information "through" in order to turn information into income in the online space. We walk you through our step by step proprietary process during the Challenge!

Hear Jill, Jennifer And Others Share Their Breakthroughs From The Info To Income Challenge...

Jill received breakthrough as some one who didn't have an idea for an information product when she started. Her testimony is a great inspiration if you are unsure what to do. Jennifer Judi & Shauna share their testimony as well.
Ann & Patrick McDonald created the Lifestyle Institute in 2015 to empower people like you, to build lifestyles that facilitate living, not toiling - and that don't require 24/7 hand holding or being tied to a desk to prosper...

FINISH YOUR Info Product Quickly With These FREE Bonus Upgrades

Bonus # 1:

Do you have no idea where to start? No Problem! We cover CONTENT CONFIDENCE  our Proprietary Process to help you go from idea to implementation easily!

Bonus # 2:

Do you struggle with what to include? No Problem! We cover FLEXIBLE OFFER FRAMEWORK our Proprietary Process to empower you to easily choose what to include!

Bonus # 3:

Do you want to have a simple step by step Infographic to follow when the Challenge is over? Enjoy our INFO PRODUCT PLAYBOOK  as our gift to you so you can practice and finish after the Challenge is over!

Time Sensitive: This 5-Session LIVE And Highly-Interactive Challenge Will Give You The Confidence & Framework To Set In Motion Your NEXT Income Stream Through Online Information Products Starting February 15, 2021.

Hear From Some Of Our Challenge Attendees! 
Your Success Is Next!

From David: 

From Jennifer: 

From Marsha: 

From Lisa, Dana & Cheryl:

From Judi: 

From Melissa: 

From Julie: 

From Lauri: 

From Shauna: 

Meet Your Hosts: Ann & Patrick McDonald


Build A Lifestyle Business You Can Actually ENJOY!

Let's LIVE A Life Of New Adventures!

Create Your Online Info Product Business So You Can Prosper From Anywhere!

Create Your NEXT Income Stream So You Can Live Anywhere!

Training From The National Stage

"The best kept secret weapon. I would not be underselling (Ann) if I said this was the most transformational teaching I have ever had on this topic."             - Jonah M. (Startup Genius - my words, because he is! He might not call himself that, but I will! - for real...)
  • Family First: There is no substitute for daily life with family & friends. Work is meant to support life not the other way around. One of the reasons Ann & Patrick do what they do is to have time and place for things that really matter. It is their heart to share the breakthroughs so others can enjoy the same freedom.
  • ​Experience: This is not their first rodeo so to speak. Ann & Patrick have lived and worked in Manhattan, New York twice, Beverly Hills, the San Francisco Bay Area and are now centered out of the Lake Tahoe area. With 30+ year careers in the Luxury Design/Decorating Industry and Wall Street respectively, they have navigated deep to prosper in what some might call shark-infested waters. Learn from their experience in a small group setting which may not be repeated again.
  • Practical Time Compression Help: This Challenge was created as a way to help Entrepreneurs with values, finish the year strong. The world has not ever encountered anything like what we are walking through right now, and Ann & Patrick want to help others thrive in times of chaos. With a little history & life experience under their feet...they bring a unique hope filled practical execution plan for online entrepreneurs the world over.
  • ​Life Giving Training: This isn't a puff piece Challenge. From Day 1, you will dive deep. Ann & Patrick aren't keen to waste their time or yours. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from them.  Your time TO FINISH IS NOW!

I know what it's like when you feel like you can't breakthrough and finish...THAT IS ABOUT TO END FOR YOU!

Don't give up! We can help!

In 2008 I went full force into the online space with my business (my trade is interior design and decorating) and "attempted" to make online information products to fill out my income streams and free up some of my time.

It was a DISASTER!

12 Years later, I have not only mastered the process and prosperity piece of it, I have trained from the National Stage how to create information products QUICKLY AND EASILY that convert (sell) with your actual audience.

I have created product suites for vocational ministries and traditional businesses in several areas of influence: business, education, health/fitness, arts/design, ministry and more.

There IS an easy way to take information and turn it INTO actual income.

You are a walking content machine, but you don't know it or maybe believe it yet. You have something the world needs and our job in the 5 Day Challenge is to show you how to get WHO you are, into a framework that can be easily transacted in the online space as info products.

It's not hard, but there is a process and step by step that must happen.

During this 5 day challenge, we will train you how to do that. This process is easily frame-worked and systematized. We will share our proprietary systems to do just that! You will learn how to create Information Products quickly without yelling, screaming or giving up for the 10th time that day! 

Reserve Your Seat below and register for this free challenge while registration is still open.

Let's DO this!  - Ann & Patrick McDonald


Ann McDonald

"National Speaker on Implementing Ideas into Profitable Products & Services" - Ann McDonald Speaks at 7 M Summit, Dallas, Texas, training Faith Based Entrepreneurs how to prosper online.

Not only does Ann DESIGN, TRAIN & BUILD out other peoples information product frameworks, she also does her own, in highly successful platforms, across varying industries.

Here Ann is shown while filming one of her online product frameworks for her Holiday Decor Training Institute.

Patrick McDonald

Patrick brings a unique wisdom after having a 30+ year career in Institutional Fixed Income Sales & Trading on Wall Street.

Patrick's keen insight into structure, communication and the ability to translate highly complex processes into easy to understand and execute plans makes him invaluable in the process to prosper.

There is no substitute for knowledge and clear communication of difficult concepts into frameworks people can follow in the everyday moments of everyday life. Patrick is an expert at dissecting difficult paradigms and making them easy to understand.

In the Entrepreneur's developmental stage, the ability to direct with pinpoint accuracy, what your knowledge, information and insight will actually PROBLEM SOLVE that clients will actually TRANSACT FOR, is what separates the adults from the adolescents so to speak. Patrick's ability to identify these answers is uncanny. He is gifted and talented at the edification processes required to hone successful entrepreneurial ideas unto increase and scalable prosperity.


>> 5 Days To Finally FINISH...That Info Product Framework! <<

>> Registration is EXTREMELY LIMITED and we have already closed it once. If This Page Is Online Right Now, Then We Have Opened Up Another Block of Seats <<



(7 Sessions At $150 Value Each =  $1050 Value)

If You Can't Make It Live We'll Have A Replay Available Each Day In The Private Facebook Group!

  Day 0: Welcome! How To Get The Most Out Of The Challenge 

  Day 1: You Have Something The World Needs! 

  Day 2: Problems & Pain Points...

  Day 3: S.I.T.E. Assessment - Our Proprietary Trademarked System

  Day 4: The Power of Starting - 3 Steps To Income

  Day 5: Where To Find Your Customers

  BONUS Day 6: Q & A & Follow Up!


Every day we cover live training pieces that will make the difference for you! 

A Thought As I Am Being Photographed With My Two Sons...

Hi! My name is Ann McDonald...for YEARS I struggled in the online space..

I KNEW there was something to do, to create in the information product space so I could sell my design & decorating counsel "one to many" which would provide me financial freedom while helping thousands of people with what I had some breakthrough on...

I wasn't trying to make millions, I was just wanting to make a difference and breakthrough what felt like a HUGE barrier in the online space.

FOR YEARS I didn't even have a profile picture on social media.

I paid for a very expensive year long Mastermind for Designers and
STILL didn't have a profile picture on my social media! 

Am sharing that because I know how it feels - it feels VULNERABLE and scary at times to be on the internet.

HOWEVER, I finally had a come to Jesus moment where I understood there was FREEDOM in sharing my breakthroughs in the form of info products with an honoring group of people who wanted help, wanted tips and training and weren't jerks!

THAT is what we are facilitating in this Challenge - helping you find your voice, your sound, as you can draw those wonderful ideal clients to your breakthroughs from life and build tribes of good clients in the online spaces.

I'm 56. I love working with youth, but this challenge is for people who are "mid-life". Why? Because YOU have something the world needs & IT'S TIME TO SHARE YOUR VOICE!

Let's spend five sessions together & BUILD WELL~
This LIVE HIGHLY INTERACTIVE Challenge starts in February 15th, 2021